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How to Use Search Engine Optimization Effectively

Search engine optimization isn’t a new subject for any company with a website. It is understood that in order to top out in search engine rankings, businesses have to continually invest in Search Engine Optimization techniques

SEO in 2011

Search Engine Optimization, SEO. The ability to ensure that your website ranks high on the first page based on keyword searches by web users. Within the top 5 on that first page of search results is

Business and Social Media: FAN Page Changes

As any business owner or site administrator with a Facebook FAN pages knows, there are some significant changes coming down the pike for the layout, development and functionality of Facebook FAN pages. While theses upgrades aren’t

Social Strategies that Work

You consider yourself a marketing “guru”. You’ve worked in or followed the marketing industry for years and understand the important of research to build a strategy for your marketing goals, who you are targeting, how you

Business and Social Media: Cisco Case Study

NetProspex recently posted several social media case studies on their blog, and in reading them, we found the notes on Cisco’s B2B Social Media Marketing success to be particularly interesting. According to the post, Cisco recently won

Online Marketing Growth Drivers for 2011

As has been reported, online marketing is continuing to grow across most industries. Both B2B and B2C companies are investing more of their marketing dollars into the various tools and sites available on the web. To