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Ad Content to Your Site That Leads To Web Conversion

Websites are built to convert your site visitors to prospective customers either through education, brand development or direct sales. With this in mind, a website is really just a sales tool, intended to warm the lead

Effective Website Design Needs Sales-Focused Content

It’s as simple as this: when designed with your sales cycle in mind, your website can help differentiate your company from competitors, accelerate a buyer’s decision-making process, and win more business. However, your website could also work

Where to Post Content On LinkedIn

Many people abandon LinkedIn after completing their profile and only refresh their content when changing titles or companies.  The lack of activity by some is because they probably aren't aware of places, and reasons, to add

Use Google Authorship to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Have you read articles about ranking higher on search engines by joining Google +?   Many social media enthusiast state that using Google + will increase website creditability.  If all you’ve done thus far is open an

Website Copywriting Services – More Than Words

When the time comes to think about web copywriting, the focus often turns to the words that will be used: keywords, industry buzz words, or words that will get the attention on both search engines and

3 Content Development Secrets your Business Needs

When any company engages in a marketing strategy, content development is at the heart of the conversation. Content development can be used for website expansion, ad campaigns, blogs, twitter, and Facebook. In other words, without content