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It Takes More Than Search To Generate Website Leads

In a Webmaster Help video earlier this month Google’s Matt Cutts warned against relying on Search Engines alone to generate website leads.  Even though Google has nearly 70% market share and their sites reach 92.2 percent

Google Rewards Mobile Websites With Higher Rankings

You may have heard, read or experienced first-hand that Google is rewarding mobile-friendly websites. Websites that are mobile compliant across PCs, Mobile Phones and Tablets are being rewarded with higher rankings. This positive incentive is further

Using SEO Keyword Phrases in Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool for brand development, but to generate leads, potential customers must find you first. Your LinkedIn Keyword Strategy Keyword phrases are terms potential prospects would type in a search box to find

Effective Off Page SEO Techniques

Off page SEO is key to attracting inbound traffic. Article marketing is one effective technique to expand the reach of your brand message while driving targeted traffic to your website. Why Off Page SEO? Off page SEO refers

Use Google Authorship to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Have you read articles about ranking higher on search engines by joining Google +?   Many social media enthusiast state that using Google + will increase website creditability.  If all you’ve done thus far is open an

The Best Social Platforms for Local SEO

Let's first answer the question, what is local SEO? Getlisted.org defines it as "A specialized kind of online marketing that increases visibility for businesses interested in ranking geographically". local SEO can also be described as one