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Internet Marketing Trends – Google+ Business Page

Last week, we started the discussion about Google+ for your business page. Like other social media sites, Google+ offers distinct advantages to businesses looking to extend their brand awareness and extend their reach to a new level of prospects. With that in mind, there are a few things you have to keep in mind to build your Google+ business page to garner the best results. Take a look.

Centralize your Gmail

Even if you already use a Gmail account for email, when you begin to build your Google+ business page, create a central Gmail account that can be forwarded to or accessed by your online marketing team. This will ensure any messages or communications you receive to your Google+ business page will be received and responded to in a timely manner. Remember, Google+ is a social media site, and the integral key to the success of any social media marketing is consistent, effective, and timely (timely being the key to this point) communication.

Anyone who has the login and password to your centralized Gmail account used to set up your Google+ page has administrative access, allowing them privileges and access to pages not seen by other users. So, if you have an issue, or want to share information, any member of your marketing team can field it as quickly and effectively as possible.

Page Creation – Step 1

Using your central Gmail account, like “XYZcompanymarketing [at] Gmail [dot] com”, you can then go to Google’s page to create a general account and take the first step towards creating your Google+ business page. You’ll have the options of:

  • Local Business or Place
  • Product or Brand
  • Company, Institution, or Organization
  • Arts, Entertainment or Sports
  • Other

Not sure what option to choose? Are you a regional company? “Local Business or Place” works for you. A well-known brand would select “Product or Brand”. Work for a school or non-profit? “Company, Institution or Organization”, and so on.

Make it Yours

When you customize your public profile, you essentially put the face of your brand on your Google+ business page. Add your tagline and your logo to let page visitors become familiar with who and what your business is. At this point, Google+ will prompt you to promote your page. We don’t recommend it at this point as your page is like a storefront with no products. Flesh out the page more before putting out the “Now Open” sign.

Build On and Drive Your Brand

To guide you through the page-building process, Google+ will continue to prompt you with extended customizations and tips to building a marketing-effective page. Include content, links, and graphics as necessary to drive home the message you want to share and get attention and responses from the target market you will connect with on the site.

Keep in mind that like any social media, what you put into your Google+ page will have a large effect on the response you see from it. Optimize your page with keywords, and follow a specific strategy as to the content you share with your page visitors. Keep your team alert for comments and connections with the page, and you will launch your Google+ page to the benefit of your business.

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