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Three Tips for your Social Media Marketing Management

You’ve been investing in Social Media for some time now. You send content to your profiles and pages regularly and have seen some responses from your contacts. However, despite all your efforts, you are not seeing any real change in business or SEO from your social media investment, which can be a little frustrating.

There are a few rules that apply to most, if not all, social media platforms to obtain the best results for your business’s bottom line. Take a look and see how you can rev up your social media marketing.

Dot those I’s and Cross those T’s

When you take the time to work in the social media space, the best rule of thumb is to start at the beginning. When you build your page or profiles, be sure to fill out all the information you can fill out, names, addresses, contact info, websites, and other external links. Be sure to include your marketing message wherever you can as well as your logo and any other attention-grabbing graphics to draw in potential page visitors.

When someone reads your posts or other shared content, curious contacts can learn more about you, your company, your products, and your services. Combined with informative and engaging content, this contact and background information provides a powerful engagement tool to educate your prospects.

Choose a Marketing Message

It’s really about what you want to say when you’re talking about Social Media content and what your universal marketing message, or central theme, is. This central theme needs to be supported and shared with each and every post, tweet, blog, or comment. To clarify, think about a brand like McDonald’s and their “I’m Loving It” campaign. Beyond the catchy tune, each of their ads supports how their customers are, in fact, “loving” their products. The text and setting may change, but the idea remains the same across the entire campaign. Your social media content push should follow the same rule of thumb to build momentum and interest within your target market.

Be Social

You still have to do more than just post content with a clear marketing message on your social media sites. You need to respond to any comments or questions you may get about your posts and shares, you need to read other’s comments and posts and share your opinion. You are your brand in the social media sphere.

It’s the ability to interact with a real person within a company that separates social media marketing from any other marketing solution. That means you need to put in the time, check in to your sites regularly (daily), and let your contacts know that you’re not only sharing great info about your industry and your brand but that you are truly interested in what they have to say.

Put in the effort to your social media marketing, down to these fine details, and your brand will see a return in response and engagement that will mean leads for future sales.

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