Turn Your Linkedin Photo Into A Visual Profile | Paradigm Productions, Inc.
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Turn Your Linkedin Photo Into A Visual Profile

describe the image People recall information interpreted from a picture more vividly and for a longer period of time than words and sentences alone. Even from a quick scan, people experience a higher recall rate about what is seen, than what is read. By the nature of how we’re hardwired, people learn, understand, and remember shapes, figures, and contours more easily than characters alone. In today’s fast-paced, multi-tasked world, it’s important to find ways of captivating attention, communicating your message quickly, and making a positive indelible impression.

At a fleeting glance of Natalie’s LinkedIn photo, for example, her ensemble suggests she’s in the industrial or manufacturing sector. The solar panels in the back signal that Natalie could work for an energy or construction company. Her bright smile and relaxed but professional demeanor show her good nature, often associated with “people person” type roles such as HR, education, marketing, advertising, promotions, or public relations. Natalie strikes me overall as an approachable, accomplished, and creative individual. From Natalie’s Linkedin page, you’ll see that as an International Marketing Manager for Solectria Renewables, LLC, my initial impression isn’t far from reality.

If Natalie took a conventional corporate shot, I might have still thought she was amiable, but wouldn’t have remembered anything more about her. As attractive as her photo could be, it would have blended into the backdrop of my mental collage of other beautiful faces seen in the past.  Even if I had remembered her face, I would not have mentally connected it with her profile.

Reinforcing the words and sentences on your Linkedin profile with the visual statement from your photo will help separate you from the pack. Before taking your next Linkedin photo, consider these suggestions.

  1. Think of your photo as a visual profile. Consider what indelible impression you want to make based on up to three points you could convey tastefully, memorably, and in a professional light.
  2. Leverage your setting and attire to help convey your message. 
  3. Reveal your personality through your facial expression. People sense what you’re thinking about, so align your thoughts with what you would like to convey.

Although photos aren’t words, people do read into them, often more intently than credentials,
so maximize the value of your Linkedin photo by making it more than just another pretty face.

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